
Etse Electronics (Pty) Ltd has been successfully developing a variety of novel solutions since 1997, primarily on a consulting basis. Since 2016, the company has shifted its focus towards developing and supporting our own product line, while continuing to be involved in research, development, and consulting work.

At the core of our knowledge base are our skills in radio frequency (RF) and microwave electronic design, including component-, module-, and system-level solutions. Additionally, we have vast experience in implementing technologies such as GSM, GPS, RF modems, microprocessors, FPGAs, embedded systems and software, low-power systems, sensors, and measurement devices. Our solutions are often accompanied by user-facing interfaces.

As part of the Alphawave Group, we collaborate with various teams possessing specialist knowledge across a wide range of engineering fields.

Our Products


Cubecom designs, develops and manufactures communications systems for satellites. Focusing on low earth orbiting nanosatellite applications, providing excellent integration with the latest generation hyperspectral camera technology and other payload sensors that require high data rates.

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With state-of-the-art GPS livestock security collars, FarmRanger offers a livestock security solution to help prevent stock theft and attacks by predators. Monitor and protect your livestock with instant alarm calls and live GPS tracking on the FarmRanger app during an alarm.

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Farmtrack offers real time vehicle tracking for farmers, with a GPS tracking device that is fitted to your tractor and managed by an internet-based platform that allows you to monitor all the relevant information to better help you manage your farm.

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Our Team

Sampie Booysen
Wouter Brand
Michiel Brand
Ruan de Jager
Johann de Swardt
Mariechen du Plessis
Franco Groenewald
Thomas Heidemann
Mikayla Isebeck
Justin Jacobs
Suné Joubert
Lee Ann Julies
Rudolf Koch
Charon Koopman
Philip Lotter
Rohan Lourens
Mike Lubbe
Edwin Nel
Nico Nortier
Carmelita Okkers
Johan Oosthuizen
Schalk Pretorius
Marius van der Merwe
Althea van Wyk
Corina van Wyk
De Wet Volschenk
Kolijn Wolfaardt

Contact Us


+27 21 8801163

15 Elektron Road
Techno Park
South Africa